Pets are a wonderful addition to the family- in fact, they are your family. But when you discover that they have fleas it can become a nightmare as they can quickly spread throughout your home. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself carrying fleas as well, as they will feed on your blood for about 24 hours. Completely grossed out yet? Keep reading for tips on ridding your home of fleas.
Treat Your Pets
If you discover fleas on your pets, you will need to purchase a flea treatment immediately. Talk to your veterinarian about the best treatment options, such as an oral preventative or a flea collar. If you use a spot-on flea and tick treatment, don’t bathe your pet five days before or afterwards. Once it is safe to bathe your pet, consider using a flea killing shampoo.
Treat Your Home
Fleas will not only be hiding in your pets’ fur. In order to ensure that you are completely getting rid of all signs of fleas in your home, you will need to clean extensively. Vacuuming in all of the corners of the house is necessary, and if your vacuum has a bag, throw it out each time as flea pupae may be inside. Sweep and mop all hardwood or tiled floors. Wash all of your pets’ bedding and toys in hot water. If the bedding or toys will be ruined by being washed, it may be best to purchase new items. The goal is to rid your home of any flea eggs, larvae or pupae that may be lingering.
Prevent Future Flea Infestations
The best way to prevent fleas is to continually give your pets a flea and tick treatment. If you live in an area that is known for a high flea population, consider putting flea collars on your pets whenever they go outside. Keep an eye out for any evidence that your pets have fleas- consistent itching or nibbling, flea droppings (which has the appearance of tiny black dirt) or tiny jumping insects are all indicators. Continue to keep your home as clean as possible and consider using a flea deterrent spray in your home and even in your yard.
If you continue experiencing flea infestations within your home, don’t wait to call a pest control professional for help. Contact Hart Pest Control today!