As cold weather approaches, many types of pests will be scurrying inside of your home. You must be prepared and ready to prevent them from invading your property. To protect your home against nasty pests, just follow this simple guide:

Inspect Your Exterior

Check for any easy access points on the exterior of your home. Be sure to seal up any cracks or crevices and be careful of areas where utility pipes enter the structure.

Fill Gaps and Holes

Use pieces of steel wool to fill any holes or gaps inside your home. Rough steel fibers discourage pests and rodents, especially the ones that aren’t able to gnaw through the material.

Screen Any Openings

Screen any openings such as:

  • Chimney openings
  • Mail slots
  • Attic vents
  • Pet doors
  • Torn window screens

It will prevent creating entry points for household pests. Also, be sure to install door sweeps.

Avoid Moisture

Ensure that your home’s remote corners stay dry. Any dampness or water in the attics or basements can lure in pests. Make sure there isn’t any standing water, leaks near your A/C unit or clogs in your rain spouts and gutters.

Consider installing gutter guards to prevent any clogs. Make sure there are not any toys lying around that may hold water and keep areas in the house dry and ventilated. Think about using a dehumidifier in some areas.

Keep Firewood at a Distance

Firewood often serves as a home for some pests as it provides an area of warmth and shelter, so you want to keep the firewood away from your home. The closer the firewood is to your house, the higher the chance that pests will nest in it. Eventually, they’ll make their way inside.

Maintain Your Yard

Mow and trim your grass. Also keep any shrubs and bushes away from your home. Pull any weeds and get rid of any debris in your yard. Finally, make sure there are at least two feet between your landscaping and the walls of your house’s exterior.

Get a Free Quote on Fall Pest Control

The best way to prepare your home for cold weather pests is to call a professional. Allow us to provide you with a thorough evaluation and comprehensive treatment and prevention plan. Contact Hart Pest Control today for our services or visit our website for more information.